

In these unsettling times, I really need serenity and health, and I’m pretty sure that you do too! In the U.S. we have been dealing with climate change, gun violence, racism, political strife, impeachment…and now the coronavirus. My two brothers live in the Seattle area, where multiple deaths have occurred. My daughter lives in Italy, another hot spot. She just called and told me the schools in all of Italy have closed for at least two weeks. That is when I sat down to write this blog post.



In card games, getting an Ace is always a good thing. But, the story for ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, is different. ACE refers to childhood experiences of mental, physical, or sexual abuse; neglect; addiction or violence in the home; or, divorce or separation. Research has clearly shown that ACEs translate into higher rates of adult physical and mental illness, as well as behavioral difficulties in life.

Dancing on a Treadmill?

Dancing on a Treadmill?

Let me introduce you to Annette. She drew my attention at the gym because she was having so much fun dancing on the treadmill. Wearing headphones, she jives, twirls, and sometimes sings to the music while effortlessly balancing on the treadmill. She is absolutely oblivious to me and all the other patrons as she glides and slides to her Latin music for two straight hours, three times a week.

Donna's Beauty Tips

Donna's Beauty Tips

You might be wondering why I’m sharing my beauty tips….promoting beauty is slightly off-topic, right? After all, my message focuses on health of body, mind, and spirit—not beauty. For me, a beautiful person (male or female) is one who is loving, serene, giving, peaceful, joyful, patient, kind, open, and vibrant. My tips describe the things I try to do as I strive for this kind of beauty.  As you will see, there are multiple links between my beauty tips, positive psychology, health, and, ultimately, beauty…