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Episode 3: Running with God with Jolee Paden
It was a joy for me to meet Jolee in late 2016 when she joined CARING FOR BODY AND SOUL, the ladies group I organized at St. Marks in Hyattsville, MD. She brought an infectious energy and joyful faith to our group, and since then has continued to share those gifts in her ministry work.
Spiritual Runner
In high school and college, Jolee ran track and was a long distance runner. About writing a book, Spiritual Runner: A runner after God’s own heart, while in college, Jolee said, “God gave me this vision since high school.” She saw the parallels between the running community and the early church—
Discipline, like getting up at 5AM to run 10 miles
So, she asks: “What would happen if we pursued our faith like we pursue our athletic careers?”
A Global Ministry
Jolee joined the organization Fellowship of Christian Athletes in 2017 to serve DC college campuses. The FCA’s mission is “To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” After supporting coaches and athletes stateside, she is now in the process of transitioning out of her role in D.C. to that of Director of Operations for FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Southeast Asia.
Watch the Interview
“A lot of my job is walking with coaches and athletes to say ‘Who are you outside of this sport that you have given your life to?’”
Coaching Through The Pandemic
In response to the Covid-19 crisis-related shut downs of schools and gatherings, Jolee began working with coaches to help the athletes deal with their interrupted or terminated seasons in the spring. “It was like everyone in the NCAA tore their ACL’s at the same time and their seasons were over.” For seniors, whose collegiate careers abruptly ended, it was especially traumatic. Her role became to help coaches coach “to the heart of an athlete, to prepare for what is ahead.”
Additionally, Jolee has networked with coaches and teams, at George Washington, Georgetown, Howard and American Universities, and done some coaching as well—all the while setting a wonderful example of Christian giving.
Seeking Partners
Part of Jolee’s job is fund-raising, including to pay her salary at FCA. She does not seek only dollars, but rather donors who want to partner with her in “doing what God is doing.” She thinks the return on the investment is high—“people living fuller lives in the name of Jesus.”
“At the end of the day, I'm not looking for someone just to write me a check. I want them to know what I'm doing,” Jolee says. Indeed, she keeps her supporters updated on her work with a monthly email newsletter.
Here is the map referenced in the videocast:
Avoid a focusing only on results. Concentrate on the process. Jesus said, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” It is our faithfulness, not our fruitfulness that is important. Our job is to plant the seeds, water, prune and care for the roots. God is in charge of the yield.
Work from rest, not for rest. Let your week spring from a solid day of rest once a week, a day without work when you center only on life-giving activities and God.
Additional Links and Resources
Learn more about the Southeast Asia division of FCA and join Jolee’s team!
Spiritual Runner: A Runner After God’s Own Heart by Jolee Paden
Learn more about Serenity and Health’s Programs, including Caring for Body and Soul (offered in Hyattsville, Maryland) and others.
Subscribe to the Serenity and Health Blog for monthly encouragement and suggestions.
Like/Follow Serenity and Health on Facebook, where our Pop-Up Conversations are published first.
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About Jolee Paden
Jolee Paden (Pay-den) serves as the Director of Operations for FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Southeast Asia. She is currently in the process of transitioning out of Washington, DC, where she has been for the last four years (three of which she served college coaches and athletes through the same ministry of FCA). She grew up in East Central Illinois and moved to the east coast for college at Eastern Mennonite University. The intersection of sports and faith has always been large part of her life.
About Donna
Dr. Donna Chacko promotes health of body, mind, and spirit through her website (serenityandhealth.com), her blog, and programs at her church. She is the author of Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey (Luminare Press, 2021).
Donna previously practiced medicine for forty years, first as a radiation oncologist and later, after re-training, as a family medicine doctor. What she learned taking care of immigrants and the homeless in Washington, D.C., continues to influence her programs. A central theme is that health of body, mind, and spirit is interrelated and connected to God, all as a package deal. Donna is a wife, mother, and grandmother and lives in University Park, Maryland.
Do you use these excuses to avoid having to take action?